
Summer Programs 2025

The Prep will offer summer sessions and camps for a variety of ages and interests! Click on the information below to get started and learn more.

List of 7 items.

Summer Enrichment Offerings for current Prep Students
Upon successful completion, summer enrichment classes taken at the Prep satisfy graduation requirements, appear on a student’s final transcript, and count towards the cumulative GPA.

Program Cost, Dates, and Times
  • The ½ credit courses cost $950 each.  The dates for each course are listed below.
  • The full-credit classes run from 6/16 to 7/25 and cost $1900.
  • No classes will be held on 6/19 or 7/4 in observance of Juneteenth and Independence Day.
  • All courses begin promptly at 9:00 AM and finish at 2:00 PM. Each day, there is a lunch break and one or two shorter stretch breaks.
  • In the summer, a student may take one half-credit course, two half-credit courses, or one full-credit course. No student may take more than one credit in the summer.
  • Students who must remediate a failed course from the 2024-25 school year are not eligible to take a summer enrichment course.
All classes are offered in person, on campus at the Prep. Remote options are not available.

The offering of each summer course is contingent upon enrollment.  If a course is canceled due to insufficient enrollment, enrolled students will be notified during the second week of May, and payment will be credited toward regular tuition.

Enrollment Deadline: Friday, May 9
Any course with insufficient enrollment will be canceled.  Following that date, late registration may be permitted if space is available. No student may enroll after Friday, June 13.

If a student chooses to withdraw from a summer program between May 12 and June 15, the Prep will refund half the tuition (by applying it to future tuition payments). As of June 16, there will be no refund for withdrawal or dismissal from the program.

Enrollment in a class does not guarantee the awarding of credits. In order to earn the corresponding credit, a student must successfully complete all assignments and assessments and fulfill attendance requirements. Academic dishonesty, disciplinary issues, failure to complete assignments, poor academic performance, excessive absence, lateness, or early departure could result in a student’s removal from the course without the awarding of credit or reimbursement of tuition. If a student fails a summer enrichment class, he must remediate the class in the subsequent school year. There is no refund if a student fails the course.

List of 6 items.

  • Biology

    Biology - SCI201          
    1 credit
    This course is an introduction to the life sciences.  Its major objective is to give the student an appreciation and understanding of life processes. The introductory course focuses on several themes in the life sciences: diversity and the unity of life, interdependence of organisms, evolution and science as a process. Topics include molecular biology, molecular genetics, cell biology, metabolism, classical genetics, microbiology, botany, zoology and human biology.Laboratory work using the scientific method with an emphasis on data analysis is emphasized. The scientific method is highlighted in learning how to write a lab report.  Laboratory work is an integral part of the course with students developing skills with the microscope, proper dissection technique and computer-based laboratory protocols. 
    Prerequisite: Successful completion of Freshman Physics I and approval by Department Chairperson.
  • Chemistry

    Chemistry - SCI 301
    1 credit 
    This course provides the student with a fundamental grasp of chemistry which includes using scientific measurement and lab techniques, classification of matter, the behavior of gasses, the characteristics of liquids and solids, atomic structure, periodicity, chemical bonds, equilibrium, and theories and reactions of acids and bases as well as kinetics and thermochemistry.  Some of the skills that a student will achieve during the course include problem-solving techniques, analytical thinking, expressing ideas with clarity and logic; significant figures/rounding off of calculations, proper usage of research for project/reports, as well as the use of mathematical relationships to predict outcomes.  Labs are structured to enforce the understanding of the chemical topics taught within the classroom setting.  Students are required to develop and apply the scientific method in producing a lab report based on his experimental results.   Labs are both physical as well as technologically based experimentation.                          
    Prerequisite:  Successful completion of Physical Science and Biology.
    Caveat:  Students who have completed Summer Chemistry are not eligible to register for AP Chemistry or AP Biology.
  • Fine Arts

    Studio Art I
    ½ credit
    This introductory fine arts course centers on exploring creativity and personal expression. The objective of the course is for the student to discover and develop his unique voice and to learn to communicate it visually. The level I course introduces the student to the Artistic Thinking Process (DICE). Drawing skills, techniques and materials are emphasized. Through studio practices and artistic behaviors the student will build his capacity to find inspiration, develop his ideas and to make meaningful choices to effectively communicate those ideas through various media. Continual reflection will build and strengthen his abilities to understand and articulate his process. This is accomplished through initial explorations and practice of idea generation and development, media and processes, followed by the individual interpretation of themes, ultimately leading to student-directed work. Historical and contemporary examples of design will be viewed throughout the semester for inspiration. Through discussions, written reflections, and critiques students will learn to evaluate and revise their own and others’ work throughout the artistic process.
    Prerequisite: None

    Studio Art II
    ½ credit
    This second level course is designed as a continuation of Drawing. Students will continue their exploration of a wide range of open-ended themes within the DICE - Artistic Process. They are encouraged to develop their own personal and individualistic approach to image making. Thematic projects promote the student’s active role in all creative decisions from subject matter to medium and scale. In this course students concentrate on how color, form, design and composition can be used to describe and communicate ideas through visual means. Students will investigate the use of color emotionally and psychologically for practical and poetic ends. Higher levels of refinement and craftsmanship will be expected throughout the course.
    Prerequisite: None

  • History and Social Sciences

    History and Social Sciences
    US Government and Politics - HIS301
    1 credit
    The US Government course is designed to give students a critical perspective on government and politics in the United States.  The course will commence with an examination of the historical foundations that have helped to shape American government.  Also, students will study how and why government functions in American society today. A college level textbook will be used in this course. Additional readings and documentaries will be scheduled for additional insights into current topics. The summer reading project will be evaluated in early September.  Also, students will be expected to complete a research paper designed to examine and explain some aspect of this course. 

  • Mathematics

    Honors Precalculus - MAT302                  
    1 credit 
    This course is designed for specially qualified students who have demonstrated above-average ability and interest in mathematics and who have a strong desire to study Calculus [particularly AP Calculus] in the following year.  The course presents content similar to that in MAT301 as well as optimization, parametric equations, polar coordinates, conic sections and equations of circle.  Students are also expected to encounter more challenging exercises and homework assignments.
    Prerequisite:  93 in MAT202 or passing score on placement test offered in the Spring in conjunction with departmental approval.
    In-class Requirements: TI89 graphing calculator
  • Religious Studies

    Religious Studies
    Christian Thought and Its Development          
    ½ credit
    This course will provide students with an exploratory survey of Christian theology from its earliest developments as a messianic movement emerging out of Second Temple Judaism to its continued trajectory within an increasingly interconnected postmodern reality. This course will assist students in a constructive dialogue around fundamental beliefs, traditions, and practices across the global Christian community, with a particular concentration on key figures within the tradition and their contributions. The organization of the course is thematic/topical although within each topic, the instructor will provide necessary historical context to help frame the conversation, while simultaneously assisting the students in their personal navigation/investigation of the following: ecclesiology, ecumenical dialogue/comparative theology, devotional practices/worship, and theological anthropology.  
    Prerequisite:  None
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